Quistis stayed in an orphanage with most of the main characters in her child story. Then she lived with his adoptive parents, with never developed in any intimacy, before moving to Balamb Garden at the age of ten. She became a SeeD member at fifteen years and became instructor two years later. Quistis initially joins Squall to prepare for his next exam on the ground. Subsequently, making Squall in his confidence and told him personally on their degradation. She lost most of her memories because same like other character, when they trained in Balamb Garden, for pay that used GF's in the battle they should lost their memories replaced with GF's abilities. When Irvine updates the main characters of memory on the orphanage, she remember that Squall's antisocial behavior began when Ellone. Squall figure an elder sister , unexpectedly left the orphanage. As a result of these revelations, Quistis acknowledges that her feelings are more than Squall's sister. Later, she criticizes when Squall nearly abandoned Rinoa, his romantic interest.
The design of the characters, Tetsuya Nomura wanted at least one woman to wear a skirt. Quistis was initially supposed to fill this part, but Nomura decided a long skirt pants that she used for more than a better image. The role was finally passed to Selphie. Nomura was surprised when the writers cast her as a teacher, despite being about the same age as the rest of the group.
Later after the credit roll in Final Fantasy VII ending game, we can see Quistis without her glasses. She looks very nice with party dress and without glasses.Final Fantasy VII Music :