Over the course of the game, Lenne attempts to communicated with Yuna, whose Songtress outfit is identical to her attire. Yuna begin to feel her presence and feelings more and more until they explode on stage, showing Lenne's final moments alive. Because Yuna unknowingly served as Lenne's host, Shuyin only saw Lenne rather than Yuna herself whenever she donned her Songtress outfit. Using that fact, Yuna Rikku and Paine attempt to reason with Shuyin by telling him her unsaid feelings. However, since her presence in Yuna had weakened, Shuyin became enraged and believed that Yuna and her friends had been deceiving him. After Shuyin is defeated, Lenne separates herself from Yuna and finally fades with Shuyin while thanking Yuna for helping them.
• Shuyin Profile
Sealed in the Den of Woes, Shuyin's unsent spirit-filled with despair and self-loathing-cannot fade away and be free of his suffering. Shuyin desires to destroy all of Spira in the hopes that his agony may be able to end and that there can never again be a war like the one that cost him and Lenne their lives. On first seeing him in the sphere, Kimahri found on Gagazet that began her new adventure, Yuna mistook him for Tidus, due to their striking physical resemblances to one another. Unlike other Unsent, Shuyin can possess people, controlling those who are deep in malice as he is. He can also possess Fayth, using their Aeons to help him. He was eventually defeated and shortly reunited with Lenne as they faded away.
Lenne and Shuyin Photo's and Video